You never touched Groovy, nor did you jump on the Scala train.
Clojure never attracted you; and you heard about Ceylon long after the language had already died.
You are one of those old-fashioned Java folks!
But now, after all those years, you want to join the cool Kotlin kids.
So, where to start?
Let’s discover the language together by decompiling it to Java code.
Today: The things we tend to forget!
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When we use the IntelliJ HTTP Client we can write JavaScript for the pre-request and response handlers. If we want to access an environment variable in JavaScript we can use request.environment.get(string)
. The argument for the get
function is the name of the environment variable we want to get the value for. Environment variables can be defined in the file http-client.env.json
or in http-client.private.env.json
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The built-in IntelliJ HTTP Client is very useful for testing HTTP requests and responses. If we want to define a variable in our .http
file that is only used in this file and will not change per environment we can define it using the following syntax: @<variable name> = variable value
. The variable is an in-place variable and the scope of the variable in the current .http
file. The variable is immutable and can only be defined with a value once and cannot be overwritten. To refer to the variable we use the syntax {{}}
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Over the last year, there has been quite some fuss over using GPU’s for other
tasks than gaming. News stories about AI and cryptocurrency mining requiring
vast amounts of GPU’s; product shortages in the consumer gaming market are just
a few to name. Share prices for semiconductor design companies, particularly
Nvidia, have been soaring. Yet, on the other hand, there is little
understanding in the general software development community as to how these
techniques work, what class of problems they can solve more effectively, and
how and when to use them.
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The command line option --continuous
or the short version -t
enables Gradle’s continous build. For a continuous build Gradle will keep on running and will re-execute the tasks we invoked if the input or of the input of one of the depended tasks has changed. For a project with the java
plugin we can use this option for the test
task. Gradle will run the test
task and after the task has been executed Gradle will wait for any changes in the input of the task. This means if we change our Java test code in src/test/java
and save the source file Gradle will re-execute the test
task and show the output. But also if the input of other tasks changes, that the test
task depends on, the test
is re-executed. So also changes in source files in our src/main/java
directory will trigger a re-execute of the test
task, because the test
task depends on the compileJava
task, and the compileJava
task has the src/main/java
directory as input.
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With the java plugin we can configure a so-called Java toolchain. The toolchain configuration is used to define which Java version needs to be used to compile and test our code in our project. The location of the Java version can be determined by Gradle automatically. Gradle will look at known locations based on the operating system, package managers, IntellIJ IDEA installations and Maven Toolchain configuration.
But we can also define the locations of our Java installations ourselves using the project property
. We provide the paths to the local Java installations as a comma separated list as value for this property. When we set this property we can also disable the Gradle toolchain detection mechanism, so only the Java installations we have defined ourselves are used. To disable the automatic detection we set the property
to false
. If we leave the value to the default value true
, then the locations we set via
are added to the Java installations already found by Gradle.
The property
is a project property we can set via the command line, but we can also set it in the
file in our GRADLE_USER_HOME
directory. Then the values we define will be used by all Gradle builds on our machine.
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When we apply the Java plugin to our Gradle project we can configure which Java version we want to use for compiling our source code and running our tests using a toolchain configuration. The benefit of having a toolchain configuration is that we can use a different Java version for compiling and running our code than the Java version that is used by Gradle to execute the build. Gradle will look for that Java version on our local computer or download the correct version if it is not available. To search for a local Java installation Gradle will look for operating system specific locations, installations by package managers like SKDMAN! and Jabba, IntelliJ IDEA installations and Maven Toolchain specifications. Maven Toolchain specifications is an XML file describing the location of local Java installation. Each Java installation is described by a version and optional vendor it provides and the location of the installation. Maven uses this information to find the correct Java installation when the maven-toolchain-plugin
is used in a Maven project. But Gradle can also utilize Maven Toolchain specifications to find local Java installations. This can be useful when we have to work on multiple projects where some use Maven and others use Gradle. We can place the Maven Toolchain specification file in our Maven home directory. This is also the default place where Gradle will look, but we can use a project property to override this location.
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Spring Boot 3 requires at least Java 17, but that also means the Java version used by Gradle must also be at least 17. Otherwise we will get the following error message when we build our Spring Boot project in IntelliJ using Gradle:
The issue is that the Spring Boot Gradle plugin 3.1.5 requires Java 17, but our project is using Java 11. We can fix this by explicitly setting the Java version that Gradle uses in IntelliJ. Go to Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle and change the JVM used for Gradle to a JDK version of at least version 17.
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Since this month, anyone using the OWASP dependency check plugin from Jeremy Long(*1) needs to upgrade to version 9.
The older versions are no longer supported and could fail to work.
It is also recommended to get an NVD api key(*2), else the NVD update can take a very long time.
The NVD is the U.S. government repository of standards based vulnerability management data represented using the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) (*3).
Since most of us are using a build environment, we don’t want to create a key for every project, but if we do not, we might get rate-limit errors.
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Sometimes we want to send HTTP requests to servers that use HTTPS with self-signed certificates.
We then need to tell HTTP Client to not check the certificate of the server.
This is like running the curl command with the --insecure
or '-k' flag.
To disable the certificate verification for HTTP Client we need to adjust the http-client.private.env.json
For the environment we want to disable the certificate verification we must add a SSLConfiguration
In the SSLConfiguration
section we add the verifyHostCertificate
property with value 'true'.
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