Helidon SE Helpings: Configure Memory Health Check
You can configure a memory health check in Helidon SE. A memory health check will return a status of UP
if the memory usage is below a certain threshold percentage and DOWN
if the memory usage is above the threshold percentage. The default threshold percentage is 98%
. To add the memory health check you need to add the dependency io.helidon.health:helidon-health-checks
to your pom.xml
file. This dependency contains three health checks: disk space usage, memory usage and dead lock detection.
To configure the memory health check you need to set the configuration property server.features.observe.observers.health.helidon.health.memory.thresholdPercent
to the threshold percentage. Alternatively you can set the threshold percentage in your application code.
In the following example application you add a memory usage health check. First you add the dependency to the pom.xml
To configure the memory health check you can add the property server.features.observe.observers.health.helidon.health.memory.thresholdPercent
to the application.properties
# Set threshold percentage for memory usage.
# When the memory usage is above this percentage, the health check will fail.
# Default is 98.0
In your application code you need to use the configuration to create the WebServer
import io.helidon.webserver.WebServer;
import io.helidon.config.Config;
Config config = Config.create();
WebServer server =
// Read configuration properties.
Instead of setting the threshold percentage in the configuration file you can also set it in your application code:
import io.helidon.health.checks.MemoryHealthCheck;
import io.helidon.webserver.WebServer;
import io.helidon.webserver.observe.ObserveFeature;
import io.helidon.webserver.observe.health.HealthObserver;
// Configure memory usage health check.
HeapMemoryHealthCheck heapMemoryHealthCheck =
// Create observe feature with health check.
HealthObserver healthObserver =
// Show details in health endpoint.
// Disable auto-discovery of health checks.
// Add heap memory health check.
WebServer server =
// Add observe feature with health check.
Once you start the application you can access the health endpoint at http://localhost:8080/health
$ curl --silent -X GET --location "http://localhost:8080/observe/health" | jq .
"status": "UP",
"checks": [
"name": "heapMemory",
"status": "UP",
"data": {
"free": "39.25 MB",
"freeBytes": 41160992,
"max": "50.00 MB",
"maxBytes": 52428800,
"percentFree": "78.51%",
"total": "50.00 MB",
"totalBytes": 52428800
Written with Helidon SE 4.1.6.