In a previous post we learned how to add build information to the /info endpoint in our application. We can add custom information to the /info endpoint via our application configuration or via a bean by implementing the InfoSource interface. Remember we need to add the io.micronaut:management dependency to our application for this feature.

Any configuration property that is prefixed with info will be exposed via the /info endpoint. We can define the properties in configuration files, using Java system properties or system environment variables. In the following example configuration file we add the property info.sample.message:

Listing 1. src/main/resources/application.yml
    message: Micronaut is awesome

Another option is to create a new class that implements the InfoSource interface. We need to override the getSource method to return a Publisher with a PropertySource. In our example application we have a ConferenceRepository bean that can access a database with data about conferences. In the following example InfoSource implementation we want to return the number of conferences that are stored in the database:

Listing 2. src/main/java/mrhaki/micronaut/
package mrhaki.micronaut;

import io.micronaut.context.annotation.Requires;
import io.micronaut.context.env.MapPropertySource;
import io.micronaut.context.env.PropertySource;
import io.micronaut.core.async.SupplierUtil;
import io.micronaut.runtime.context.scope.Refreshable;
import io.reactivex.Flowable;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

// Component is refreshable via a refresh event
// Only create this component when the following
// requirements are met:
@Requires(beans = InfoEndpoint.class)
@Requires(property = "", notEquals = "false")
public class DatabaseInfoSource implements InfoSource {

     * Repository to fetch count of conferences in the database.
    private final ConferenceRepository conferenceRepository;

     * Supplier for returning result.
    private final Supplier supplier;

    public DatabaseInfoSource(final ConferenceRepository conferenceRepository) {
        this.conferenceRepository = conferenceRepository;

        // Cache result from database.
        // This component is refreshable via
        // a refresh event to get the latest value
        // from the database.
        this.supplier = SupplierUtil.memoized(this::retrieveDatabaseInfo);

     * Return information.
     * @return Information about the database.
    public Publisher getSource() {
        return Flowable.just(supplier.get());

     * Get information from the database via the {@link #conferenceRepository} instance.
     * @return Number of conferences in the database.
    private MapPropertySource retrieveDatabaseInfo() {
        final Map databaseInfo = new HashMap<>();
        databaseInfo.put("db.conferences.count", conferenceRepository.count());
        return new MapPropertySource("database", databaseInfo);


Let’s run our Micronaut application and invoke the /info endpoint. We see the following response if we have 42 conference records in our database:

    "db": {
        "conferences": {
            "count": 42
    "sample": {
        "message": "Micronaut is awesome"

Written with Micronaut 1.0.0.M4.
